Since a couple of days ago, I noticed that in my Skyaware map, aircraft approaching the Mexico City’s airport just freeze their positions a couple of miles before landing, and after about 20-30 seconds they “jump” to a new position close to the airport. (I’m about 10 miles away from the airport just under the aproach path).
I don’t think there is any new building blocking my receiver sight to that point.
The weird thing here is that although the position is not updated during that lapse, the altitude keeps constantly updating, which makes me think I’m receiving messages from aircraft continously.
Any thoughts?
Just dumped some port 30003 data and found that while the aircraft is “freezed” I don’t get any “3” messages from that particular aircraft (containing alt, lat & lon), but only “1”, “7” or “8” (7’s had the altitude data too).
How can I get some type of messages and not the others?
While such aircraft is freezed in the map, I still see movement (and “3” messages) from the remaining aircraft. It seems that the freezed aircraft stops sending “3” messages as they approach the airport, but still sends type “7” messages.