FR24 installation via SSH timing out

I am trying to install FR24 through SSH with this command:

sudo bash -c “$(wget -O -”

I keep getting Connection timed out. Has anyone run into this?

Try this:


sudo dpkg -i fr24feed_1.0.37-0_armhf.deb   


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that times out as well.

If I take just the url and put it into a Windows browser the file downloads but it doesn’t seem to like the pi

If you have WinSCP installed on your Windows Computer, then you can copy the downloaded file on Windows to /home/pi folder of your RPi

You can SCP from Windows to Pi using Windows Power Shell



NOTE: In command in Power Shell below, replace by Local IP of your RPi


ALTERNATIVE: Use Windows Command Prompt

In Windows search, type cmd, and press Enter Key. The Command Prompt Terminal will open

Type cd /path/to/download/directory . In my case it was Downloads directory.
Type scp fr24feed_1.0.37-0_armhf.deb pi@ and press Enter Key



Thank you very much for all the help! I was able to get the file moved and installed. I ended up having to manually run the signup command to get that to run. Everything is tracking now!

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