For Beginners - How-to SSH to RPi - Setup Putty in Windows

Give your Pi a short host name by editing /etc/hostname. (I number my hosts.)
Then in Putty I use that short host name for your pi instead of an IP.
WINS will automatically connect to the proper IP. I open Putty and enter [host name] and connect.

If you are logged in on your Windows system as user pi, use win+r and enter ssh [host name] otherwise use win+r and enter pi@[hostname].


Hey A
Thanks for taking the time to compile this tutorial.
It was all going good for me, until I pressed the connect button. Then I was greeted by a small window saying…“network error. connection refused” and then Putty shows “inactive”.
I followed your instructions carefully, but no luck so far.
Got any ideas?

I can think of two possible reasons
(1) You did not create a file named ssh or ssh.txt in the boot partition of microSD card
(2) You are using wrong Local IP address of PI. You can get the correct “Site Local IP” from your Flightaware States page as shown by red arrow in screenshot below


(1) File ssh



(2) Site Local IP


Is this only for feeders that are connected to my local IP? Will this allow me to connect to a feeder that I have set up 300 miles away on a totally different network?

That is what would be helpful to some issues I am having right now.


There are two alternatives.


One of the alternative on Raspbian is to use VNC, but this requires GUI which is available on Raspberry Pi OS Desktop, but is NOT available on Piaware SD card image and Raspberry Pi OS LITE. You will have to install the GUI. Please see How-To below:



This alternative does not require GUI and works with Piaware SD card image and Raspberry Pi OS LITE as is. It uses one of the free services listed below. There are many more similar free service, but I am not aware of these




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VNC is easy to set up and allows those with remote receivers to use all the facilities you can use when the Pi and the PC are on the same network.

This includes the Skyaware map, tar1090 and graphs1090 and anything else that needs a GUI and only takes about half an hour to set up…

My preferred solution is to use the Raspberry Pi Imager to load the Raspberry Pi OS 32 bit with Desktop enabling SSH and WiFi if required. (This image includes VNC)

Once installed on the Pi you can turn on VNC in raspi-config or using the Preference in the Raspi Pi Configuration drop down.

Follow the Cloud Connection instructions to run VNC remotely and then install Dump1090-fa and piaware install here

Your remote Pi can then be anywhere in the world.

so i followed the first post . i pulled the sd card from the pi . created the ssh.txt file . ejected the card , put it back into the pi . downloaded putty and ran it . put in my pi’s ip and it tells me
“network error: connection refused” .
i looked through my router and verified it is the ip so i tried it again . same thing . then i tried win+r and tried ssh pi@ and the screen opens for not even a half a second .

i just pulled the sd card back out and verified that the ssh.txt is there . still the same thing . it isnt connected via cat5 it is on wifi at the moment (poe hat and injector are on their way) but id like to be able to get into the system without having to climb the tower to get the sd card to run in one of my other pi’s to do adjustments . any advice ?


After you boot the Pi, the file ssh or ssh.txt should disappear, but when you rechecked, you found it is there.

Possibly your PC has setting to hide extension so the file ssh.txt is actually ssh.txt.txt with last txt hidden. Please delete visible .txt to make file appear as ssh and boot Pi and try to SSH again.

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I will give that a shot tomorrow and see what I get . Thank you

@abcd567 that was the issue . i figured since all the other files had txt or bin next to them that i had the settings set to see the file type . i did not . working perfect now . thank you :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: rock

Hello - ANY WAY POSSIBLE to create the SSH.TXT file remotely over the network? My device is in a difficult location, and after manually upgrading to v8.2 realized I do not have SSH access… It would be very helpful to be able to access without having to manually access (ladder, climbing through fiberglass, etc, etc.) Thanks!