Guys, You HAVE to do this when you are in LA. Go to the In-N-Out Burger on Sepulveda, outside LAX, just north of RWY 24R. OMG, it’s SO MUCH FUN!! They land literally right on top of you! You can see into the landing gear compartment!!!
I recommend sitting at the tables outside, but for a better view, the small park across the street is fantastic, as is parking on the curb facing Sepulveda looking at the approach. It’s even more fun at NIGHT guessing what is coming in next… a heavy or a commuter. Low and slow with one big light = HEAVY!!! On a Monday or Tuesday night you get LOTS of action… CARGO action that is!! HUGE 747s and stuff… roaring down on you. Then… REVERSE THRUST that rattles your car windows!!
I was squealing so much that I am sure people thought I was drunk. I didn’t care, I LOVED the NOISE!!! Woooooo Hoooooo!!! If you are really lucky… you might even see VAPOR TRAILS off the wing tips!!!
And get the Double-Double, Animal Style!!! You won’t be dissapointed!!
Definitely the best In-n-Out location anywhere. Here’s a link to a listing of their"secret menu". Mmmmmmmmm, 4x4 burger, animal style fries, and a vanilla shake…You think they’d FedEx it to the east coast?
I’ve mentioned this In-n-Out a few times here on the forums. It’s fantastic to be able to get a burger and fries and then just watch the aircraft land.
You know what is funny KLAX is not a hub for us…I was shocked to hear that after starting there. I did not have the pleasure during the 2 weeks I spent out in LA to get there. But can anyone tell me the “Point” near the airport a bit West of the Embassy Suites that sits directly accross from EVA Cargo? I noticed some spotters on a little hill with their cams when we were in the van on the way back from lunch. LAX is a cool airport 8)
@ YKM we have this at the approach end to Rwy 27. Fortunately there are two trauma centers within a mile.
The reference to Ding Ho by Wazzu90 does not imply endorsement by Wazzu90 . Wazzu90 makes no endorsement, express or implied, of Ding Ho, nor is Wazzu90 responsible for missing neighborhood cats and dogs or activities of any linked to Ding Ho.
HEY!!! I think you are talking about the overlook at El Segundo. I have been there too. There are benches all along the hill and those “Pay For Play” binocular machine thingys. Great take-off roll action there!!!
There were quite a few spotters there when I visited LA back in June. I also realized that I never posted any pictures that I took out there.
Be gentle though, it was a brand-spanking-new camera and the weather was not the best for photography. Also, check out the LGB and the SMO folders for the other airports I was able to do some spotting at.
With the parking area next to 25L/7R, you can see just about every commercial plane land (except those that get offloaded to 19L/R). Plus, ATC is piped directly into your car stereo over the radio. Sunset Road parallels the 25L/R final approach course all the way back to Sam Boyd Stadium (about 6 DME from the field), which there’s an In-n-Out down that way, plus the major one off of Tropicana. Sure, it’s a fair distance, but worth it. On a clear day, you can see the stream coming in, let alone converging to join final for a good 15 DME out!
Love that place. That’s my ‘Other Office.’ If I’m not at home and not at work, I’m there!
Yep! I bring my dog. She likes to chase after the planes when they touch down as she sees them as big birds… Though I might stop, as the pigeons are thinking they can get food there. If she chases them around, one could go too far onto the field and get sucked into an engine…
In fact, I’ll take her to VGT instead. They have the same parking area setup there, but theirs is more of an actual park. ATC piped over the radio to that area too. Hit up KVGT on Google Earth or Google Maps, and look for a spade shaped parking area west of the approach end of 12R, north of the approach end of 7, on Decatur.
Frank dahling, I am a luxury few can afford!! Just ask the BF, he can have a GF or a plane…but not both at the same time (and I met Mom! She was a pilot in her younger days who flew a Cherokee!) Yep, I do go everywhere, but it’s always in Business First! He says the Proud Bird is great for brunch on Sunday… will be going soon!!
HEY!!! My boss saw you taking off from Big Bear recently in your Bellanca, and now he wants one. If you know any for sale that aren’t on Trade-A-Plane, let me know! He has a Cherokee 140 and wants more speed, loves your website too!!!
I’d have to agree with the BF. The Proud Bird has great brunch on Sunday, and their dinners are great. I’ve met many a group of friends there for nights of dinner and planespotting on their deck. You will definitely have to go there! Enjoy it!