my goal is to get all flights of an airline since the last 24 hours. What I did:
First I use the object/element “AirlineInfo” to get the count of “flights_last_24_hours” with a simple echo:
echo "<b>".$result_ai->AirlineInfoResult->name."</b> does <b>".$result_ai->AirlineInfoResult->flights_last_24_hours."</b> flights in the last 24 hours.<br/><hr>";
“Federal Express Corporation does 172 flights in the last 24 hours.”
Alright, FDX does 172 flights in the last 24 hours, so far so good. Now I use “AirlineFlightSchedules” to get the flights since yesterday with “start_date” and “end_date” set and airline with exclude_codeshare = “false”. If I print the array I get:
[faultstring] => NO_DATA No flight schedules found for your query
What is wrong? And yes I have a silver plan subscription.