Flights not being updated on map

I’ve been having problems with flights not updating automatically on the displayed map. This just happened when trying to track Delta flight #789 for approximately the last 45 minutes. The log updates regularly, but the map doesn’t change to reflect it. I’ve cleared my cache, restarted my internet browser…everything I can think of. Each time I reopen the page, the plane is in the exact same spot in Minnesota, though the log indicates the plane is almost through Iowa. Tracking on my Android smartphone, however, showed the plane at the proper position on the map without a problem this whole time. Tracking on my computer just jumped ahead and caught up (it apparently didn’t want to ever display the plane as being in Iowa?). I didn’t try using a different web browser - I’m currently using Chrome. Could that be the problem? Or should I just expect this to happen occasionally? Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening in the future?

Can you post the contents of

Does an white-on-orange airplane icon appear on the left side of the map just under the zoom in/out buttons? Does the word LIVE appear under it?