FlightAware Feeds; Other Feeds Go Down

Graphs & Charts From Following Site:

(Shown here are only 4. There are many more)

This is why I thought about feeding RB again. Great feature!!!

There is one disadvantage: the max range curve is so dark that the terrain map (roads, houses etc) are hardly distinguishable, even when zoomed. The range curve cannot be turned off.

In this respect opensky-network map is much better. You can turn off range curve, making map very clear.



That was the first thing that I tried to disable when I accessed the map for the first time today, but could not find the setting.

I fed the OpenSky Network for a period of time. I don’t remember the map. Is this something new?

Another one that I liked was ADS-B Exchange.

The main reason I stopped all those, as stated previously, is that I found re-installing them after re-imaging the SD card too much work.

Script for Automatic Installation of adsbexchange feeder

STEP (1)

sudo touch /home/pi/adsbexchange.sh
sudo chmod +x /home/pi/adsbexchange.sh 
sudo nano /home/pi/adsbexchange.sh

STEP (2)

Copy-paste code below in adsbexchange.sh.
Save file (Ctrl+o) and close (Ctrl+x).

NOTE: Scroll down the to near the end of code, and replace XXXXX by their actual values in following lines:

 --lat XX.XXXX \ 
 --lon XX.XXXX \
 --alt XXX \
 --user XXXXX \


#! /bin/sh

echo  " "
echo  " "
echo  "\e[32mCreating adsbexchange folder...\e[39m\n"
sudo mkdir -p /home/pi/adsbexchange

echo  " "
echo  "\e[32mUpdating ...\e[39m\n"
sudo apt update

echo  "\e[32mInstalling necessary packages (dependencies and build tools)...\e[39m\n"
sudo apt install -y git curl build-essential debhelper python-dev python3-dev socat

echo  " "
echo  "\e[32mDownloading source code...\e[39m\n"
cd /home/pi/adsbexchange/
sudo git clone https://github.com/mutability/mlat-client.git

echo  " "
echo  "\e[32mBuilding mlat-client's installation package ....\e[39m\n"
cd /home/pi/adsbexchange/mlat-client/
sudo dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc

echo  " "
echo  "\e[32mInstalling mlat-client ...\e[39m\n"
cd /home/pi/adsbexchange/
sudo dpkg -i mlat-client_*.deb

echo  " "
echo  "\e[32mCreating socat.sh file....\e[39m\n"

sudo touch $SOCAT_FILE
sudo chmod 766 $SOCAT_FILE
sudo cat <<\EOT > $SOCAT_FILE
#! /bin/sh
  while true
    sleep 30
    /usr/bin/socat  -u \
TCP:localhost:30005 \


sudo chmod 755 $SOCAT_FILE

echo  " "
echo  "\e[32mCreating mlat.sh file....\e[39m\n"

sudo touch $MLAT_FILE
sudo chmod 766 $MLAT_FILE
sudo cat <<\EOT > $MLAT_FILE
#! /bin/sh
while true
    sleep 30
    /usr/bin/mlat-client \
--input-type dump1090 \
--input-connect \
--lat XX.XXXX \
--lon XX.XXXX \
--alt XXX \
--user XXXXX \
--server feed.adsbexchange.com:31090 \
--no-udp \
--results beast,connect,


sudo chmod 755 $MLAT_FILE

echo  " "
echo  "\e[32mAdding Startup entries in file /etc/rc.local.....\e[39m\n"
sudo sed -i  '/^exit 0/i /home/pi/adsbexchange/socat.sh &\n' /etc/rc.local
sudo sed  -i '/^exit 0/i /home/pi/adsbexchange/mlat.sh &\n' /etc/rc.local

echo  " "
echo  "\e[32m===============\e[39m"
echo  "\e[32mALL DONE !\e[39m"
echo  "\e[32m===============\e[39m\n"
echo  "\e[31m(3) REBOOT RPi\e[39m\n"

STEP (3)

Give following 2 commands:

cd /home/pi/

After script completes its run, REBOOT PI

sudo reboot


Script for Automatic Installation of adsbexchange feeder

Thanks @abcd567.