flight plan

I was wondering if anyone knows if when someone files a fligt plan are there anyway I could view how many soles are aboard?

this is too easy…

depends on if everyone is wearing shoes…

I would venture to guess that most flights don’t carry soles unless they have had a great day of fishing.

Sorry… It was too hard to choose who to reply to. Well done Both.

LMFAO!!! :laughing:

Thanks, fellas. :laughing:
So now anybody wanna answer what he meant?
I predict the answer is “no” for GA, and “only if you call them” for airlines. But I’m interested to know if I’m wrong.

Airlines have very strict policies and will not give out total number of souls on an aircraft. Only if you can give out some detailed information to confirm you are related to the person on board will they even tell you if that person checked in or not, even then it’s at the discretion of the agent.

I second that…CLASSIC :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

You can find out the number of people on a flight a couple of months after the fact - but only as an average. It’s in one of the tables at bts.gov. Forget which one.