Is there any advantage to the external filter as well? Seems as though I’d get more attenuation outside the bandpass, but perhaps at the cost of signal loss too?
I’m also considering replacing the smaller indoor antenna recommended on the build page with this one.
Should I expect either of these to be useful? (I imagine the most useful thing would be to get the antenna a clearer view of the sky, but in the interim…)
Locations with lot of RF noise (Cell phone & other communications signals), do require an external filter both with ProStick (orange) and ProStick+(blue).
I live in a high rise building with lot of Cell Phone antennas on roof top of my building, as well as on roof top of many surrounding buildings.
My setup does not have an external amplifier, as the ProStic/ProStick+ have an integral amplifier. Adding an FA filter to both ProStick (orange) AND ProStick+ (blue) did improve performance. Here is result of a test I conducted last year. Gain setting was constant throughout the test: