This Falcon 900B was owned by the Greek Government and operated on their behalf by Olympic Airlines. On September 14th 1999 SX-ECH was decending to land at Bucharest, Romania, when the autopilot disengaged and several-pilot induced oscillations occurred.
Seven passengers, who were not wearing seatbelts were killed; one passenger and the flight attendant, were seriously injured.
This aircraft is currently operated by VIP Charter Company; MIA Airlines of Romania as YR-CJF, who also operate two VIP BAC-III’s. Guess they got a deal on the Falcon!!!
Damn! Must have broken their necks or cracked their skulls open; that picture of the food cart imbedded in the ceiling (almost ripping the plane apart) is something else…
Given the g-loading the airframe experienced, (nearly twice the design positive limit and over 3X the negative) it’s a testament to Dassault engineering that it stayed together…