Is ground traffic with planes and cars available with FA’s dump1090 or only planes up in the air? My receivers location are so close to airport, that i must see normally everything what happens on ground, but i don’t.
Is ground traffic with planes and cars available with FA’s dump1090 or only planes up in the air? My receivers location are so close to airport, that i must see normally everything what happens on ground, but i don’t.
It should show aircraft and vehicles on the ground with an altitude of “ground”. The problem is, that although you may be close to the airport, unless you have a clear line of sight to there then the signal will likely be blocked by buildings in between your position and the airport. You can tell if this is the case, because aircraft on final approach will disappear at a particular altitude.
For the dump1090 packaged by FA specifically, you need to configure it with a receiver location in the init.d file if you want to consistently see surface positions. Otherwise, you will only see surface positions for aircraft where you saw a recent airborne position too. The reason for this is that the ADS-B surface position format requires a reference position to disambiguate surface positions (surface positions are not globally unique)
(piaware knows to start faup1090 with the right information for this, so even if this is not configured you will still feed surface positions)
you need to configure it with a receiver location in the init.d
Thanks for your answers. How can i setup this? Which file i must do the modification?
I use dump1090-mutability v1.15~dev on my RasPi#1, RasPi#2 and OrangePi, and can see aircraft landing, and on ground.
Occasionally I see airport maintenance vehicles (fitted with adsb transponders), though the icon displays them as aircraft
Dump1090 has Lat Lon option. I set this in prog args. Hope that will be fixe my issue.
Anyway did the Mut version support flightaware MLAT?
YES, dump1090-mutability v1.15~dev sure does, as this is the one I am using.
I am not 100% sure about dump1090-mutability (version 1.14) as I do not use it, but most likely it does support MLAT.
Those who use it can confirm.
I try 1.14 but i can’t see any mlat planes dump1090 webpage. Is there a deb file for 1.15dev?
nope - but along this howto from mgunther it’s easy to install:
Nice, thanks for this hint!
That’s neat