PiAware MLAT with Dump1090-Mutability Installed


Refer to the matter above.

Will PiAware MLAT works with Dump1090-Mutability installed?

Currently My PiAware MLAT works on Dump1090-fa installed.

Fung Sai Hou

Most certainly it does and even better to connect as well to adsbexchange, which is part of your install option with Joe Prochazka’s muta files

Hi jlb56,

Thanks for the info. I found out that the dump1090-fa sometimes will have some “lost” during the aircraft take-off or landing but the dump1090-mutability works great. *The aircraft trail has dash line (even aircraft is hang) during take-off or landing if using dump1090-fa, but dump1090-mutability has no this issue (smooth taking off and landing without dash line).

*Both antennae placed at the same position & height.

Thank you.


even mutability does. indicates no valid position reports from aircraft


Hi evangelyul,

Thanks for the info. At least the dash line is lesser in my case.

Have a nice weekend.