I know that Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, still travels on the airlines. In fact created a stir a few months back when he was spotted by a Google employee who promptly started banging out “tweets” about it.
most of the aircraft that are in the completion stage still say bombardier aerospace on the registration because the customer hasnt taken delivery of the aircraft, technically its still owned by the manufacturer until its taken from bombardier or a bombardier authorized completion center. Usually if a company already has a aircraft they are registered under the owner from the get go. But since they have no aircraft, no operators manual, no maintenance no pilots they leave it under bombardiers name.
Bombardier’s Global Express XRS completely out performs Gulfstream’s G550. If you’ve ever seen a Global Express make a high-performance takeoff, you’ll instantly see with your own eyes that it betters the G550’s performance.
The only area where the Globex falls short is the flight deck. Gulfstream’s Honeywell panel is far more advanced than the old Rockwell Collins setup in BD-700s, however Bombardier have addressed this with the new “Global Vision”, visually similar to the FA7X display.
I have plenty of them. Pm me and ill email them to you. I work on both Globals and Gulfstreams. Gulfstreams are by far a better jet. I have seen many globals take off yes i know how powerful they are. Im saying from a maintenance stand point Gulfstream is a much better buy. If it were my money i wouldnt have anything other than a Gulfstream.
Was just over at Downsview today and saw 9422 C-GHCS outside.
Also P4-CBA 9220 was at YYZ.
Anybody know anything about a Falcon 7X C-GRGM - it is on delivery to Montreal tonight. It is serial number 70 and has been in the completion center since Oct 2009. I hear it has more options than any previous Falcons, it is the heaviest Falcon and most expensive Falcon Jet to date.
Don’t know about the paint, just hear the interior is 100 percent white.
Ill email ya them sometime this next week. im out of town and dont have my memory card reader.
Mx-wise and being more robust. Dont get me wrong i like globals but if i were to choose to be in a gear up landing it would be hands down a Gulf or a hawker. But hawkers suck to work on. Not to mention you loose hydraulic pressure in all systems. At least you can still dead stick a Gulf. Not the 650 tho .
Cant believe there already at 9400 serial numbers. I started working on biz jets about 3 years ago and my first one was 9219. That was a sexy paint job! 9220 looks familiar as well. i dunno worked on so many its hard to keep track.
Well, obviously, the Gulfstream engineers just didn’t make any provisions for a failure of FBW. If you have a dual gen failure, can’t get the APU started, AND kill the batteries, you’re clearly going to die! Surely. Maybe. Or maybe not…