FA and PlanePlotter

Hi all,
I have a Raspberry pi3B+ uploading to four different sites and was wanting to put PlanePlotter on the same one making 5 and then start over with another Raspberry Pi3B+ with FA at the helm, can anyone tell me please if Popup1090 would load onto the first Pi with no interference? or, would it be prudent to put, say PP and FA on the second one.
I’m trying to push the boundaries of the 3 series Pi’s to what they would take.
Has anyone got 5 or more on one 3B+?
Thanks, I shall look forward to your answers.

ppup1090 is unsupported and undocumented (binary only, unclear license, can’t get a response out of upstream about it, hasn’t been updated in a long time) - you’ll mostly be on your own there.

Thanks for that,
I was reading the setup instructions from abcd567 and he suggests that dump1090 would already be installed as I am uploading to 4 other sites and PP would require popup1090, I was just wondering if this would go onto the same sd card and that it would install alongside the other 4 already uploading and not replace or delete anything that would affect them, 4 as did PF, adsbx, FR24 and open skies.
I plan to set up another Pi in my shed, fully solar powered (not that they cost a lot to run) just an experiment for other things and I have most of the equipment, would help tidy the place up a bit as well.
Thanks again.

Ask / highlight him then … @abcd567 ?

Hello @abcd567,
I’ve pasted my original posting below asking about PP being installed on a sd card that has already 4 programs loaded and uploading, could you have a look and give me a response please?
Your opinion is always valued, (what a creep eh, but it’s true).
Thanks wiedehopf.
I love the way this page splits in two when posting, great stuff.

“Hi all,
I have a Raspberry pi3B+ uploading to four different sites and was wanting to put PlanePlotter on the same one making 5 and then start over with another Raspberry Pi3B+ with FA at the helm, can anyone tell me please if Popup1090 would load onto the first Pi with no interference? or, would it be prudent to put, say PP and FA on the second one.
I’m trying to push the boundaries of the 3 series Pi’s to what they would take.
Has anyone got 5 or more on one 3B+?
Thanks, I shall look forward to your answers.”

You can install planeplotter on the same RPi which already has dump1090-fa and other data feeders like Piaware, FR24, Planefinder, OpsnSky, Adsbexchange etc.

How-to Feed Plane Plotter Site directly from Raspberry Pi

(1) Please see this post to start ppup1090 by systemd instead of rc.local

(2) Please see this post for workaround for a bug in ppup1090 which causes it to go crazy and use 100% cpu when dump1090-fa restarts (ppup1090 cannot handle properly disconnection from dump1090-fa)

Solution is to add following line under [unit] in ppup1090.service file:



Thanks Big guy, very much appreciated.

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