Eclipse to build the SEJ Single Engine Jet 'Eclipse 400'

Eclipse Press Release - the 4 seat, single engine Eclipse 400

Aero News Network

Well, we all knew this was coming. I didn’t see Eclipse flying that thing around for nothing. Now they have to compete with Diamond, Cirrus and to a lesser extent, Piper. Not to mention all the other vljs and turboprops. Personally, I’d take the Diamond or Cirrus. That thing is cramed.

  1. I don’t recall seeing that Eclipse ever receiving known icing certification for the 500. Eclipse owners should be pretty angry that the company has been using resources on this new plane before even completing the one that they delivered.

  2. I’d rather get a TBM700 than the Eclipse 400 at this price point.

They also raised the price of the 500 by half a million dollar…quite a price jump.

Sorry, French built.

Sorry, French built.

what’s wrong with the French?

Good question.

When an American company builds a plane as good I’ll take a serious look at it. About the only thing in its class right now is a Swiss plane - the Platypus.

Don’t get me started :unamused:

Say what you want about their politics, but the French know how to build an airplane. Talk to any Falcon driver and he’ll set you straight.

I agree, the Falcon’s are great airplanes. As for politics, if it wasn’t for the French we may not have won the revolutionary war, and would be subjagated to tea and fish and chips :frowning:

Talk to any Falcon driver…

There even better to fly!

And if it wasn’t for the US during WWII, there would be no France… The favor has been repaid!

WOW That looks ALOT like the CirrusJet!!

hmm, don’t care if they make an Eclipse that can perform VTOLs, fly side to side, backwards, aerobatics, with a 4000NM range, I don’t think a single engine jet will ever interest me.

Oh shit, run for your lives!!! :open_mouth:

…Oh, nevermind… “sigh”

I’ll just run with James… :wink:

I would be more then happy to take your fair share… I’d even toss in my single engine piston if this would seal the deal.

One engine, turbine or piston, sheeze, I sure won’t be picky.

If you did flight training it was all in SE aircraft. How many times did you have a problem. I just dont understand what people’s problems with SE aircraft are. Just takes planning if anything happens. Even when i’m flying a twin jet, I’m also looking for places to go if something happens.???

I’d take a SE Jet over a ME jet anyday. FUEL BURNS!!! Half the operating cost

Then can I have your money, so maybe I can buy one. Please!

Oh shit, run for your lives!!!

:laughing: :laughing:

Just think though, only 1 engine to have a total control failure!!

I say multi engined aircraft are more dangerous that single engine. With a twin engined aircraft, you have twice the possibility of engine failure while a 4 engined aircraft has a whopping 4 times as great possibility of engine failure.

(Note to humor impaired people: The above is a joke, son)