any potential eclipse 500 buyers here?

Don’t count Eclipse out yet!

I sincerely believe Eclipse Aviation has great potential! Unfortunately the New Mexico Chamber of Commerce sold them a big bag of worms. The list of those that have been bedazzled by the Chamber is not exactly a small list. Sadly, more than 90% of those, on that list, have failed in their production endeavors. It includes names like “Singer.” Not exactly a company short on production expertise!

But there is always wishful thinking. I heard Eclipse hired or was going to hire a new Production Manager, with enormous experience in assembly line production.

I’ve been in business in Albuquerque since the 70’s. With the poorly educated and completely undisciplined workforce available in New Mexico, I sincerely hope he has the ability to “walk on water.” He’s going to need it!

Perhaps he needs to think “Robotics.” Lots and lots of Robotics! :-X