Ok, Eclipse 500 just landed, (its 6:16 pm now, not dark yet), Its my first time seeing one and I have to ask… whats up with the lighting? Is there any regulations regarding how slow the lights can blink? (I read recently, few days ago that it can’t be too fast due to persons with uhh, ADHD or something to that effect?).
Reason I ask is because the lights were blinking slow…first thing i noticed, sorta like christmas lights…
aircraft is tiny in real life, we are getting several at KCDW and i must say… not the most fancy machine out there… just hope it can one day be a workhorse
The appropriate section of the reference above is quoted below:
c) Flashing characteristics. The arrangement of the system, that is, the number of light sources, beam width, speed of rotation, and other characteristics, must give an effective flash frequency of not less than 40, nor more than 100, cycles per minute. The effective flash frequency is the frequency at which the airplane’s complete anticollision light system is observed from a distance, and applies to each sector of light including any overlaps that exist when the system consists of more than one light source. In overlaps, flash frequencies may exceed 100, but not 180, cycles per minute.
It may be up to 180 cycles per minutes in the case of overlaps.
As stated in my original post flash cycles are 40 to 100 cycles per minute. This is per strobe for in which porterjet was referring to.
Flash frequencies can be 100 to 180 per minute for airplane’s complete anticollision light system . This is per airplane as some airplanes not only have wingtip strobes but belly strobes as well (not sure of any other areas they can be mounted)
Just want this to be very clear so others not familiar with aircraft lighting systems don’t get confused by misleading thoughts posted above about overlaps.
I am sure porterjet realized this since he knew the parameters in his post but wasn’t sure of the max min requirements per strobe.
I was just pointing out, in fewer words, that the *apparent * (i.e. overlap) flash cycle, per Part 23 Sec. 23.1401, could be up to 180. I never said that was the maximum per light.
I was just pointing out, in fewer words, that the *apparent * (i.e. overlap) flash cycle, per Part 23 Sec. 23.1401, could be up to 180. I never said that was the maximum per light.
lol wtf are you talking about only reason i like the plane is because of our 4800ft runway i dont see a gulfstream everyday. also whats a real plane?? cuz my fav to date would have to be the CJ3, Piagio P180, and the TBM 850. but as for my sanity your right… but hey everyone in aviation is crazy 8)
88nitro305 is a young man who lives in Burlington, VT and was very active here on the FA forums for a long time but he hasn’t posted here since February.
Take it from someone who flies them. Me. They have some serious issues. I love the sidestick and the awsome P&W engines, but everything else is sub-par.