Easy way to share your PiAware SkyAware map with others?

Personally, I don’t think opening ports and port forwarding is considered safe anymore. There’s just too many risks beyond your control over time. Did you have a look at this thread: Remote DUMP1090/978 access via website?

For personal use I created this page. Last year I downloaded dump1090 extracted files locally then uploaded some of them to a website host. Then created a stripped down version of dump1090’s index.html and other js config changes. Then created a monitored process on my RPI to ftp aircraft.json to my web host to /public_html/dump1090/data folder every 7 seconds. There are far better ways to upload tiny files frequently, but 7 second ftp puts works well enough.

It’s hacky and stripped down, but aircraft.json is a tiny file to upload frequently. I can see planes with positions move on the map every 7 seconds and mouse hover over them to see the basic stats. Message rate updated in the tab title every 7 seconds. It’s been working for about a year. Good practice to make sure file references to lat/lon location details are a little off from reality when you share your station to the public.