I’m somewhat new to this so this may seem like a simple question, my current setup is that I’m running dump1090-mutability, and then have fr24feed, Piaware with fa-mlat-client, and a sperate mlat-client that feeds to ADSBexchange. Both fa-mlat-client and the other mlat-client are receiving mlat data back for me to use locally. I’m viewing this all using a Virtual Radar Server instance.
My question is, in my current setup I have virtual radar server listening to dump1090 on port 30003, and I have the mlat-clients broadcasting on ports 30106/30107 respectively in ext_basestation format, and then VRS listens to these ports, I don’t have the MLAT clients feeding into dump1090 on port 30104 because I from what I was seeing, this didn’t actually do anything? Am I missing something, does feeding mlat-client data back to dump1090 do something?
Additionally, I’ve noticed I sometimes don’t see positions for flights in VRS that do have MLAT positions on FA & ADSBExchange, is this because I’m not feeding into dump1090 or is there another reason?