Dump1090 --net-only

Hi, help please.
I’ve read various posts but cant seem to get this working so need a bit more hand holding…

Aim to run dump1090 on a PC (ubuntu) [ip:] getting it’s data from dump1090 on a Pi []. The Pi is running fine. There was a dongle in the PC (for TV) and initially dump1090 claimed this (and consequently I can see the install is working and displaying aircraft). If I then set --net-only (by setting DEVICE=“none” in /etc/default/dump1090-mutability) and restart the service the aircraft go from PC. I’ve tried various permatations of nc and socat but am missing a key bit of information on how to get PC to show Pi’s aircraft.

Any help will be much appreciated

I don’t use the mutability branch, but this is what I got in my /etc/default/dump1090-fa :

#RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--device-index 0 --gain -10 --ppm 0 --net-bo-port 30005"
RECEIVER_OPTIONS="--net-only --net-bo-port 0 --fix"
DECODER_OPTIONS="--max-range 360"
NET_OPTIONS="--net --oversample --phase-enhance --net-heartbeat 60 --net-ro-size 1000 --net-ro-interval 1 --net-http-port 0 --net-ri-port 0 --net-ro-port 30002 --net-sbs-port 30003 --net-bi-port 30004,30104  --net-bo-port 30005"
JSON_OPTIONS="--json-location-accuracy 2"

The other Pi has to have the 30004 and 30104 ports open for listening.

In the rc.local (with execute bit set!) add those:

while true
    	socat -d -u TCP:[source IP]:30005 TCP:
    	sleep 5
    done &
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I guess you want to use mutability and not -fa?

Anyhow if you understand scripting looking at GitHub - wiedehopf/combine1090: Combine data from multiple ADS-B receivers into one readsb decoder / tar1090 webinterface could help you.

The installation is meant for dump1090-fa though.

Are you sure you have the beast input port configured in dump1090-mutablity?
(not familiar with how mutability is configured)

Then using socat to actually connect both pis should work. (you might need to install socat)
If you want a complete solution that starts on boots and can be restarted as a systemd service:
From the git repository get the following three files:
combine1090.sh → /usr/local/bin/
combine1090.service —> /etc/systemd/system/
combine1090.default —> /etc/default/ and rename to combine1090

Then you can edit /etc/default/combine1090 to specify which ports from which IPs get forwarded where.

systemctl enable combine1090
systemctl start combine1090

Would then start the forwarding.

Now you just need to make sure that you open 29004 as a input port in whatever program you want to receive the data.

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have you tried just DEVICE=

@SoNic67 - Many thanks. I added your receiver and net options as extra arguments and ran your socat code… all working a charm. You’ve made me very happy

@wiedehopf - thanks, I had tinkered with this without success as part of my frustrations

@evangelyul - thanks, this has the same effect in that it claims the USB device


You can give that post a “heart” then :slight_smile:

BTW, check to see if you have this at the end of the NET_OPTIONS:

It’s relaying the data from 30104 to piaware and from there to the FA servers. It should be by default on the add-on installs, but doesn’t hurt to check.

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Those receiver and netoptions from sonic are for dump1090-fa. Glad it is working anyhow.

In case you installed my script, do you know where it went wrong? Or did you try to combine it with dump1090-mutability?
It does not combine into the main dump1090-fa but rather a second one reachable under /combine1090 on the ip-address.

I re-did my install using dump1090-fa today, still looking good. I am not saying there is anything wrong with @wiedehopf 's script, I was just using it from a position of ignorance and a broken system :frowning:


@SoNic67, found your ADS-B post and have a few questions. I’ve got a RPi setup running dump1090/mutability and need to send the data over ethernet. Is the info you shared from /etc/default/dump1090-fa the info I need to put in my file?

The rc.local ‘socat’ is for the receiving computer, right?

I’m a hardware person, my scripting/programming skills are very basic. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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Upgrade to dump1090-fa or readsb. (dump1090-mutability is outdated, dump1090-fa is by the same author, readsb is a fork of dump1090-fa)


readsb has options like --net-connector,30005,beast_in
You could run that on the computer you want the data on and it would connect to 44 (the box with the SDR) to get the data.

Assuming you run dump1090-fa or dump1090-mutability … you need to get data from port 30005 on the source computer and stuff it back into port 30004 on the computer running --net-only.

socat -d -d tcp: tcp:

This would do that …
Now you want a service that automatically restarts if the connection breaks.
If you want that taken care of you could install this in the data redirection mode only.
Or just completely install it on the box you want the data:
GitHub - wiedehopf/combine1090: Combine data from multiple ADS-B receivers into one readsb decoder / tar1090 webinterface
Then configure it with the relevant data.

Good luck.

anyhow i wasn’t addressed and maybe my explanations are not working for you, then i’m sure @sonic67 can help you out :wink:


Both dump1090-fa and dump1090-mutability have identical port numbers. Hence @SoNic67 's rc.local script will work for both.

If you want to configure dump1090-mutability use following command

sudo dpkg-reconfigure dump1090-mutability

A dialog box will pop up. Keep pressing Enter key to accept current/default values displayed, till you reach last step where it will ask you if you want to enter any extra arguments if you require so (for example --net-only), or leave it blank if you dont want to enter any extra arguments.

Note: There is a bug in configuration dialog. At one point pressing Enter key wont move dialog to neext step. Press Tab key to highlight the OK button on dialog box, so that it becomes Red. Now press Enter key, and it will move to next step.


Thanks @wiedehopf and @abcd567 for the quick answers. Both have been very helpful. I now have it sending my data. Whether or not it is properly received on the other end is another story, I’ll find out Thursday.


Don’t be jealous, everyone here knows that’s you are the true software guru! :innocent:
I’m just a monkey with a microscope. Or with the royal seal, whatever book you had read.


The automated script provided by @wiedehopf is the best and easiest way you can get.
I am using it since a longer period to get the data from my Jetvision device to share the data to sites which are not supported directly by Jetvision.

For this readsb is running on a seperate Raspberry, showing the map, the graphs…simply anything as for an installation on a device with stick attached directly.