Dump1090 Error opening the listening port 8080 (HTTP server): bind: Unknown error

I’m on Windows 10 trying to get a new FlightAware USB stick working as before. I am calling dump1090.exe with “dump1090.exe --net --quiet --aggressive --gain 15”, but I am getting the following message:

Found 1 device(s):
0: Realtek, RTL2832U, SN: 00001000 (currently selected)
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner
Setting gain to: 15.00
Exact sample rate is: 2000000.052982 Hz
Gain reported by device: 15.00
Error opening the listening port 8080 (HTTP server): bind: Unknown error

I made sure that dump1090 was being allowed through the Window’s firewall. Any ideas what is happening here?

Which one are you using?

Maybe reading this can help:


Sounds like there may be another instance running.
It looks like the port is already in use.

I ended up adding the argument “–net-http-port 8081” and it started working. I guess something else on my PC was hogging that port.

Did you try opening a web browser and going to ? That should give you an idea what is using that port (or if the Windows firewall is blocking access to it).

netstat-b from an elevated command shell should show you what’s using the port.

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