dump1090 3D Viewer

I added the != check and that fixed it. I’m not sure when !== is even required.

The problem was that the altitude can have the value “ground” and if you use that in the following calculations the javascript hangs itself somehow. (Interestingly without producing an error)

5000 != “ground” will be true so that it uses the 5000 as altitude.
Anyway to make sure it is a number it is probably best to just use <80000 or something like that.
That will be false for any string.

thebaldgeek :flight_departure::flight_arrival::flight_departure::flight_arrival::flight_departure::flight_arrival::flight_arrival::flight_departure: Nice setup .!

Odd. I made the changes to index.html and still cant see any aircraft.
Looks like you got my feed working into your index.html working, so that’s a good start.
I am not sure what is left to test, but I will keep trying, I have been at it for 2 days… not going to give up yet!

I just called up your site and it is working for me.

Maybe try Ctrl-F5 to reload? Try a different browser?

Edit: No labels though, that’s strange.

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Heh, you beat my post by about 30 seconds, I reloaded the site from the new .zip made the usual IP address changes and its all working for me now.
Chrome works better than Firefox.

One and all, thanks so much for sticking with me and getting me up and running. Being able to visualize aircraft in 3D has long been a goal of my systems.
Thanks so much.

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There is no information in the plane-finder data to show the labels

        "reg": "",
        "flightno": "",
        "route": "",
        "type": "",
        "category": "",

Ah, thats where they come from… Right, let me have a look…

You seem to have an old version, just install the current version of the pfclient.
Hopefully that will fix it.

It will have a performance impact…with so many plane’s

The labels? Is there a easy toggle to disable them?
Probably not entering a planefinder IP works huh? :slight_smile:

I wonder about this as well. Is there a line we can comment out to turn them off if it proves to be too much?

You could try editing the index-test.html. That one doesn’t use the PF client but shows CALL sign.
I’ll test it later today…

Regards Bram

Quick edit of index-text.html , and it looks like its working

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Yes, I just tested it myself and can confirm its working as expected.
It is as we both suspected, more of a load, you must have a pretty sweet computer to load it up so well.

Good Morning ,AMS

Between all the high flyers there is one in and out from EHGG (Eelde Airport): :grin:

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Testing layers :slight_smile:

The street map layer is interesting. So far I am still trying to find a PC that can run it smoothly. Might be time for an upgrade…

Thinkering colours

The stronger colors are better. It was one of the things that I was wishing yesterday when I spent some time on the 3D map. The lower map is pretty sweet with the green to orange.
Nice work.