- These might be a couple cool NEW capabilities: 8)
CAUTION: I know nothing about programming…
Have the Flight number text lists cause the map flights to highlight and get tag only while the mouse is over the Flight number Text…
Same thing for the Aircraft type, it could just produce the common A/C types to display w/highlighted dots… common Airline, common destinations, …etc.
The map could otherwise remain tagless unless the mouse is held over the flight text. Maybe even allow the tags to “freeze” or fade over a few seconds.
Strobe the flight trails to simulate motion and ilude to flight speed…
Each trail strobes (back to front) for it’s full length at same timeframe as the others. short ones appear slow while long ones appear faster.
Remenber, I said I know nothing about programing
So It’s easy to dream-up such niceties… But to put them into action??
You guys have done such a fine job so far…
(I used Way too many emoticons) …