Chinese version of Flightradar 24?

its only good to be legitimate. When I first saw this posted on the Fakebook VRS group the first thing that came to my mind was to post the web address here to see if this was actually legitimate or for conversation purpose.

Continuing with the ‘paranoid motif’…

Why would they set up such a site, or allow it to be set up, while at the same time clamping down on the locals that wanted to feed similar sites elsewhere?

As for the US and Europe outlawing their citizens from feeding data to this site, not likely, but it does not mean they are not watching who is doing it.

There is absolutely no problem NOT feeding this site, relax!:upside_down_face:

As legal letters sometimes end “govern yourself accordingly”.:rofl:

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I agree. I am not surprised that the person (Rodney Yeo) isnt participating over here.

But the script he wrote clearly acknowledges Flightaware.


“Acknowledges”? That sounds more like ‘leeching’ to me.:wink:


Well for that matter Planefinder feeder also does not provide any decoder. It “leeches” on an existing decoder either installed by by user or provided by feeder of another site (Pi24 img or Piaware sd card img).

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I don’t know about Planefinder or any other site for that matter. I’m going by the text you pasted from their script.

For acknowledgment, I was expecting something like: “We thank FlightAware for developing the feeder”, or “All rights to the feeder belong to FlightAware”, or “Used by permission of FlightAware”, etc.

They were just telling prospective feeders how to ‘divert’ the data from the FA feeder, or their setup will not work.

If the others do the same they are ‘leechers’ too.:smile:

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They were telling to use dump1090’s data, which is local data belonging to the user. They did not tell to divert Flightaware data to them. Same is the case of Planefinder.

If someone installs dump1090 (malcolm robb or mutability) or modesdeco2, and then installs piaware data feeder, the piaware will use data from the user installed dump1090 / modesdeco2. VeriFlight are using same approach.

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The Chinese government don’t want Chinese citizens using foreign owned companies, especially if they are on the internet. Even for things like online games, companies have to first set up a subsidiary company in China and run it from there with their own separate infrastructure and are restricted as to what they can or can’t show, lest people might see something not approved. It seems very odd to people in the west, but to the Chinese government it makes sense - if it’s foreign owned or run, they can’t control it and it therefore might be a threat. If it’s Chinese owned or run, it can be controlled or used as a resource for the government.


OK…‘poor’ wording, but I used (') to denote it was not truly diversion in the ‘dictionary’ sense of the word.

The point is, they need somebody’s else work to run their site. If that’s SOP in this 'business", fine with me.

Strictly speaking then, why mention FlightAware at all? They were using FA, if only as a brand recognizable to prospective feeders.

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I guess that everyone wants to be like FlightAware.

This is getting borderline off-topic. I don’t know about other posters in this thread, but I lived in China. I enjoyed it immensely. They are very intelligent and committed people.

I know and experienced some of the differences. What you said in a roundabout kind of way is that they look after their best interests, as it should be. The only thing that may be open to dispute is how that is done, and whether others think they are at the losing end.

Was I diplomatic enough? Last post from me on this topic. :smile:


Actually that’s exactly the case. It’s illegal there.
The fact that some still do it… many things are illegal but people still do them.

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Flightaware coverage map shows lot of feeders from China. Do Flightaware have a local business in China, or have partnership with a local company like VeriFlight?


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Not sure about Russian sites collecting US ADSB. I was targeted by two groups in the mid '80s, and when asked what I did in the USAF, I told them I drove trucks. Are we being surveiled by Russians and/or Chinese? Probably. So far, I have mainly been feeding FlightAware. I enjoy working with the Pi computers, ADSB is one of the more interesting aspects. China does seem to monitor their web traffic, though billions of packets are on the net all the time. The routers are likely programmed to identify anomalous packets. Just my thoughts. Thank you to all supporting this project. Digging into the code some to work out some projects I have in mind.

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There are less than 100 sites for a population of 1.4 billions. Like I said above, not everyone will follow the rules/law.
Dissidents? Working for their intelligence service?

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Injecting synchronized data for detection of fake military planes via MLAT :alien:

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Iranians are doing it to the GPS signals… so why not?

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A free receiver is available to order in regions of interest to the service.

The receiver is a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2. with ID 0bda: 2832 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL2832U DVB-T
Found Rafael Micro R820T tuner as an expansion card

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I see the Pi circuit board and I wonder what circuit board is installed above? Or what I should say what sdr is that installed above?