I have successfully applied for a flight feeder, but the shipment is abnormal and It have returned. Can you ship it back to me?
Picture is as follows
Obj said to e-mail support.
OK. I will do it. Thank you so much.
The reply you’ve posted above says “your FlightFeeder kit has been forbidden by customs”.
I think that’s your answer.
Your problem is with Chinese customs, not FlightAware.
He probably wants them to try it again…
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
~ [Albert Einstein]
There are 11 Flightfeeders in his nearby sites list so it seems there should be a way of getting it to him.
(Yes I know they are out to 300 miles)
His nearest neighbour reporting to Flightaware is 160 miles from him and there seems to be a dearth of planes reported anywhere near him at the moment.
Notwithstanding the problems discussed above I think it would be a good place for Flightaware to invest a Flightfeeder and would encourage them to try again to find a way through the bureaucracy.
There doesn’t seem to be anyone else around him reporting.
@SweetPea11 Notwithstanding the problems discussed above I think it would be a good place for Flightaware to invest a Flightfeeder and would encourage them to try again to find a way through the bureaucracy.
Trust me, we are.