Change in position-only feed?


For the last few days, the PO feed seems to be missing, at least here in Northern California.

I have flown, and know of several flights over the last few days, which would have normally been displayed, but have not.

Does anyone have any ideas about why this is so?


What do you mean by “the position-only feed” exactly? Which API are you using? Do you have an example of a flight that you think should have data but doesn’t show?

Oops, sounds like I stepped in it by trying to use cool, “I know what I’m talking about” internal Flightaware community lingo!!

I use no API, just the FA website.

Let me re-phrase:

“VFR flights WITH flight following STOPPED showing up on Flightaware, at least around here.”

Therefore, I cannot prove the missing flights…

Sorry for the confusion… :slight_smile:

I know it’s hard to prove a negative, but how were you previously locating the adhoc flights you were interested in - e.g. by tail? What tail?

I can give you mine, for one: N3493S. Prior to a couple of days ago, I got alerts and tracking on every flight either IFR or VFR with radar services.

Also, I’ve stopped getting alerts, even though my “alerts” page is intact.

it’s starting to sound like it’s just me!


There were no changes on the FlightAware side but it may be a change in the data that the FAA provides. Without an ADS-B transponder all the position data will be from the FAA. In theory that feed is not meant to include VFR flights - but actually did - but they have been getting stricter on that.

Did you have an IFR flight since the 2nd? When?

We are definitely still getting VFR FF positions in So Cal ( … Z/tracklog) Were you on with center or approach and which location?

I have not filed IFR in my airplane since before 9/2, but have flown multiple VFR flights since with both Oakland Center (ZOA) and Nor Cal Approach (NCT)…none show.

I flew N495DH VFR on 9/5, and rode in N8924N…neither showed. These were in both ZOA and NCT airspace.

Aircraft that I usually see almost daily are not showing unless filed IFR.

Maybe this is one of those anomalies that just pass on their own? I am still mystified that I have stopped receiving Flightware alerts on even IFR flights!

Thanks for your attention…I hope it winds up benefiting you in some way!

Looks like we are also getting positions from both of those as well. … Z/tracklog Not sure what the exact issue could be.

I have stopped getting email updates that I use to get for flight information. Can anyone let me know how to fix. On alerts I have set up three different email alerts and always use to get them. Now nothing and all is set to indefinite alerts. Thank You

Were the last flights on Sept. 11?

And just like that, I am once again seeing VFR position only flights, as of today…