What do you mean by “the position-only feed” exactly? Which API are you using? Do you have an example of a flight that you think should have data but doesn’t show?
There were no changes on the FlightAware side but it may be a change in the data that the FAA provides. Without an ADS-B transponder all the position data will be from the FAA. In theory that feed is not meant to include VFR flights - but actually did - but they have been getting stricter on that.
I have not filed IFR in my airplane since before 9/2, but have flown multiple VFR flights since with both Oakland Center (ZOA) and Nor Cal Approach (NCT)…none show.
I flew N495DH VFR on 9/5, and rode in N8924N…neither showed. These were in both ZOA and NCT airspace.
Aircraft that I usually see almost daily are not showing unless filed IFR.
Maybe this is one of those anomalies that just pass on their own? I am still mystified that I have stopped receiving Flightware alerts on even IFR flights!
Thanks for your attention…I hope it winds up benefiting you in some way!
I have stopped getting email updates that I use to get for flight information. Can anyone let me know how to fix. On alerts I have set up three different email alerts and always use to get them. Now nothing and all is set to indefinite alerts. Thank You