Cape Air starts KBWI EAS contracts today

Cape Air begins 5 times a day Cessna 402 service today between KBWI and KHGR and KLNS. Schedule and online booking here; looks like they codeshare with CO who I think handles the ramp and gate work.

Any thoughts on this? While Hagerstown is a long way from a large airport, Lancaster is not that far at all from KPHL. Also seems to me that the Lancaster service is going to be a challenge, given that the Amish do not fly.

Really? I recall seeing a few over the years while working at KIAD.

IIRC, Mennonites fly, Amish do not.

It’s all about MOCHA HAGoTDI!! :mrgreen:


Interesting 8)

I’ll do some net research tonight–I think I have that right but not 100% sure. I’m going off the memory of a several-year old conversation with a Mennonite couple in the dining car on an Amtrak trip.

Hassidic Jews, who fly, can also be mistaken for the Amish.

Among the requirements for EAS is that the city is located at least 70 miles from a hub. How far away is Lancaster from Philadelphia?

According to Google Maps, PHL and LNS are 71.1 miles apart by road!

LNS is also only 34 miles away from MDT.

The fact that this airport is getting EAS money is criminal.

Also, HGR is only 76 miles from IAD, 74 miles from MDT, and 83 miles from BWI. Almost as bad.

I agree with the EAS being a bad program.
Unfortunately, MDT isn’t considered a hub so the taxpayers get soaked so people can fly out of LNS.

EAS is a good program in places like western KS, WY, ND, MT, NM, the Upper Peninsula of MI, and northern NV where there are locations that are TRULY isolated and that reliable air service is needed to give these communities a connection to the outside world. However, it is a governmental and bureaucratic boondoggle in places like PA, NY, GA, and MO where airports that can actually support traffic on their own are less than a 2 hr drive away.

So, population density be damned? The Lancaster metropolitan area has a population of approx 600K, almost twice the population of the ENTIRE UP of Michigan! So you believe that the Yoopers deserve subsidized transportation more than their kin in PA? What else do they deserve from the government based on their residence choice?

Hell, we already built them a bridge, what more do they want?

the people in Lancaster are 30 miles away from a significant airport with much better service (13 destinations, 10 with jet service, 4 with mainline jet service)!

30 miles is closer than most Detroit suburbs are from DTW and closer than much of the LA metro area is from LAX!

What’s your point? As was already pointed out, MDT is not a hub.

May not be the best use of these EAS funds, but apparently someone in authority believes it’s an acceptable use.

Comes down to the number of pax that can be purchased with each EAS dollar. If they can get one pax per dollar spent in Lancaster but it takes ten dollars to get a passenger in the UP (or similar areas) which is a better use of the money?

You apparently don’t understand the purpose of the EAS program.

What you have described is more applicable to the SCASD program (Small Community Air Service Development).

The focus on EAS is the E - Essential. This service is NOT essential.

OK emphasis added but, I’m not the one that needs to be convinced that this is or is not a beneficial application of program funds, or that LNS is in need of essential air service.

Just playing Devil’s Advocate.

Airlines providing EAS are allowed as much as $200 per passenger for providing the service.

My belief as a person who thinks less government is that if an area cannot attract non-subsidized air service then it shouldn’t get a federal subsidy. If a city wants to subsidize air service then that’s okay. Just don’t let the whole USA subsidize it.

While I don’t begrudge a company making a profit, I do not like it when a company is guaranteed a profit as in the case of EAS. Each winning bidder is guaranteed a 5% profit.

Additionally, each airport in EAS that boards under 100,000 passengers a year does not have to have

You aren’t guaranteed a profit from flying EAS.

If you were, Skyway, Big Sky, and Air Midwest would all still be in businesss.

An airline is given a fixed amount per year to operate the route. It’s up to you to manage your costs and sell enough tickets to cover the gap.

I agree with David, or at least with what David was attempting to say, the least government is the best government.

We need LESS government subsidies, not more. As April 15 approaches and, more importantly, Tax Freedom Day follows (hopefully) soon after, we need to come to grasp with just how many of our hard earned dollars are gifted away to tobacco farmers, dairy farmers, loan and price support programs for wool and mohair producers, steel production, every automobile manufacturer with a plant in the US, oil producers, oil refiners, oil transporters and oil storage facilities. And that’s just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.

:open_mouth: The North East Liberal is making sense! :open_mouth:
