Does FlightAware provide Civil Air Patrol flight tracking?
FAA filters military flights. I don’t know if CAP flights are filtered.
If they are tracked, the FAA strip has like “CAP106” with the N number in the remarks. Which would be used for tracking purposes?
Most SAR/DR require VFR weather and are not IFR filed. These missions using the Mark 1 eyeball or our new satillite phone digital picuture downloads (See
Transporation missions are almost always file IFR of safety reasons. On 28 & 29 April, AL Wing is having its annual conference. We would like to track the inbound CAP aircraft to have transportation waiting.
Dani Richard, Capt CAP
Squadron Commander
Redstone Composite Squadron
We see CPF flights occasionally, but they’re rare. Based on previous posts in these forums, we think the majority of civil air patrol flights are blocked by the FAA.
The encoding of the Strip Id (i.e. “CAP” vs “CPF”) might be basis for what is and is not shown.
I will know better come this Friday and Saturday. We are having the AL Wing Conference at the Hunstville Airport Sharton. There is will lots of IFR CAP flights inbound to KHSV.
I know this, I can’t get file an IFR CAP Flight thought DUAT but cause it drops it on the floor. I have to file with an N number and then have depature change the designation while enroute.
This is the FAA contractions manual. It lists the three letter id’s of aircraft companies in Chapter 3. These lists also include the radio call sign of
CAP FLIGHT is CPF for flight plan usage.
CAP is Capitol Airlines.
A couple of the Civil Air Patrol units or areas have their own identifiers, but I can’t remember any of them.
Try your DUATS flight plan with CPF and see what happens.
Also, its a good practice to put your N number in the remarks section of a flight plan when using a three letter ID like this one.