Can't find an answer

Good evening,

I am searching this forum and please forgive me if the answer is somewhere here. I could not find it.

Using Airspy mini, installed readsb , tar1090 and graphs1090.
Today I noticed that over there hours my message rates was above 2400/sec.
I my graphs1090, the max is/was still 2376
I always thought that the graphs1090 numbers came from tar1090. If so, why is the max in ABS maxima is not showing the higher number.

Hope I explained well, what I am asking. And hope someone can/is willing to explain this.

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Graphs1090 will check the message count every minute and calculates a rate from that.

graphs1090 looks at readsb stats … the message count tar1090 gets from readsb is a slightly different code path and includes stuff messages which are received for an unknown aircraft i believe while the number that goes to graphs1090 might not.

Never cared enough to clean up the inconsistency. (similar goes for ModeAC messages being included in the webinterface message rate but not in the graphs)


Thank you for the explanation, as always much appreciated. At least I know now why there is a minor difference in the numbers.

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