Can't blacklist SDR

I can’t blacklist the drives using the process as follows:
sudo nano /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-rtl.conf
Next after adding the following three lines to the file:
blacklist dvb_usb_rtl28xxu
blacklist rtl2832
blacklist rtl2830

I next saved the file and exited the editor.

I next rebooted using: sudo shutdown -r now.

I discover after that the SDR is not blacklisted

Can someone please help?
I’m a newbie but followed all instructions I could find and nothing seems to work. After a reboot, dump1090-fa no longer finds the USB

(1) Please post output of following command



(2) Please issue following commands and post output of last command

sudo systemctl stop dump1090-fa piaware  

rtl_test -t    


Abcd567 you are a legend. Thank you for your help. Here are the results:

Your dongle is healthy and available for use by dump1090-fa.

You can check this by following commands:

sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa  

sudo systemctl status dump1090-fa  

After 10 minutes:

sudo systemctl status piaware   


But if I reboot it again it will give the same problems no? The blacklist will not work or will reset again?
It was not doing this and now started out of nothing…

Followed your instructions and again the same problem on a a test.
I haven’t rebooted.

The error (usb_claim_interface error -6) on conducting rtl_test -t is shown because the SDR is NOT free for test, it is being used by dump1090-fa.

You have to first STOP dump1090-fa, then run the test, like below:

sudo systemctl stop dump1090-fa   

rtl_test -t   


After test, RESTART dump1090-fa

sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa   


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Thank you very much abcd567. Your help is greatly appreciated.

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