C-5 at LAX...

A C–5 Galaxy arrived to LAX around 1pm today…(May 6, 2014)

…anyone know purpose for visit (and/or scheduled time for departure…)

…all I could see was “nose up” for loading or unloading…it’s very windy in LA today and very, very dusty…

I was driving west on Arbor Vitae (from post office at Airport) when this aircraft passed me by on my right…

It came in as " RCH251T " 84-0061 (ModeS AE055C).
dropbox.com/s/mevtwrsocroj1 … CH251T.jpg

It might be carrying the Osprey aircraft for the support of Marine One.
(Obama in town Wednesday/Thursday)
losangeles.cbslocal.com/2014/05/ … wednesday/

The TFR for LAX area.

The TFR for San Diego area.

…thank you… : )

I had no idea Obama was headed here…but anytime one of “those types of planes” (C-17 most often) arrives…there’s a strong possibility!

…seems from your links he might be arriving around 3pm…Thanks for those links – I usually try to find info about arrival through chicago suntimes, because I haven’t had any luck with local news…

…are you saying the Osprey could fit inside a C-5…?? – I have never seen any Osprey as part of a presidential visit here though, so if that were to happen, it’d be an amazing first…

Might he have meant the Marine 1 helo?


security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/08/1 … arine-one/

Interesting, thanks.

…well there was no “sign” of any Osprey when I checked (at LAX) and it wouldn’t be easily hidden…I observed the C-5 after it landed (from a distance) and did not see any helicopter at all…

…a C-5 could “swallow” a large helicopter, but not an Osprey in my opinion…

…landed (obama) about half an hour ago…so slightly ahead of schedule…(4:45 or so…)

…as I walked back to car I could see helicopters from a distance (but with binoculars), two Marine One “duplicates” and three Chinooks…clear, sunny, but very windy in LA at the moment…

The Chinooks cut a path pretty much over my house, but the “presidential” helicopters took a route along the coast at first…

As mentioned above, it’s for Obama. What’s not mentioned is that he is in California to go to the ATM’s that are operated by the idiots of this state. (He only goes to California to raise money.)

After LA he will be in the San Francisco area.

Just think of how much money the president spends in order to raise money for the “party of the common people.”

I can see nObama screwing up the Tour of California in a big way. That idiot screws up Chicago traffic every time he is around…

Takes money to make money!
Y’all should be seeing the witch soon!

…it’s hard to get any info about schedule, but…seems he’d be leaving for San Diego/La Jolla around 10am (Pacific time) and tomorrow, May 9 he supposedly goes to San Jose…

…yes, he’s getting awards…getting cash…doing this, that and the other…anyway…I did get some pretty good shots of the Boeing VC-25 arriving…wanted to get something from departure as well, but may not be possible…

…overcast near LAX this morning, probably clearing later…

…great picture rwb2112 – and I sure hope that won’t happen…! (Hillary 2016)

I seemed to have left off very important words here: Insert “taxpayer (not his)” before the word “money” in the sentence above.

…anyway…I did get a shot of the departing Air Force 1…but what I wanted was a good shot of the helicopters…so I gambled and positioned myself – wrongly…they left between me and the sun so I ignored it all…it was interesting though – two “marine one” type crafts and no less than 4 Chinooks for a total of six rotorcrafts…never seen that many used…

…later in the day I went out to toss some garbage and I looked up to see a “mysterious” aircraft on a “unorthodox” course (basically south-east…) – …“what the f… is that” I wondered…“a Transaero…?”…but then I saw the T-tail and I realized – it was the C-5…I …had no idea when it would depart and although I’d like to get a shot of it doing so, I can’t stand around waiting for what may or may not happen…so I forgot about it…and then, just a few seconds outside the house…and I happened to catch a glimpse of it up there…

…I never catch those unpredictable planes (with the camera)…but at least I can easily position myself when I do know… : )

Please stop calling the H-46 SeaKnights ‘Chinooks’.

An H-46 is VERY different from an H-47…

…cool…I never knew there was a differentiation between versions…

boeing.com/boeing/history/bo … night.page

…thanks for bringing that to my attention…am not ever trying to pose as an “aviation expert” but always trying to be as accurate as I can…