Bonanza crash west of KSMO

Small Plane Crashes in Santa Monica Bay

I believe it is N16JR

2006/03/13 17:51
KSMO 131751Z VRB04KT 10SM CLR 13/02 A3027 RMK AO2 SLP250 T01280022 10128 20056 51009 

I wonder if it’s this Peter Tomarken, the gameshow host.

Rescuers plucked one person alive from the water and recovered the body of another this morning after a small airplane crashed into the Pacific Ocean within sight of the Santa Monica Pier, authorities said.

A third occupant of the downed craft was being sought, said Nathan Henise, spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard.

LA Times Article

Apparently it was he. A story about the crash was added to the Wikipedia article about the crash, presumably after you posted the link.

Here’s a photo of the airplane…very sad.

His Wikipedia article has been updated with more information about the crash as well as the LA Times story that printed this morning.

Apparently, he and his wife were repositioning the aircraft to conduct an Angel Flight when the accident occurred. Both died and the rumors of a third occupant apparently were false.

Note the mention of everyones favorite aircraft tracker:
and links to the track. Won’t the track disppear in a few days?

I think that doesn’t happen anymore, but I’m not sure. Either way, we have a system in place to keep the track visible for high-profile flights.

You apparently also have a system for getting your company name mentioned everywhere! Great job!!! :smiley:

BTaylor is *almost *completely correct. The Wikipedia article definitely mentions FA, but clicking on it leads you nowhere. I could write a glowing article on FA, but it’s probably best left to the FA staff. Be sure to let everyone know when it done! :smiley:

I think the spirit of Wikipedia is that people, places, companies, things, and events are defined as the world perceives them, not as a company or person would like to be presented.

Dbaker is absolutely right. The FlightAware staff has no business writing an article about themselves – that’s best left to the patrons and others that know about the company and web site.

Put the netiquette aside for a few minutes. Who can best tell the story of a company, its patrons or its founders?

A thoughful article on the company founding, its values, and its mission can only be written by…someone from the company.

Here is the wikipedia page for Microsoft. This is a professionally written piece. Did MS have a hand in writing it? I’d bet an hour in my Cessna that they did.

Looks like the issue resolved itself

. . . but on second glance really it hasn’t changed much and doesn’t say much to the average reader (under the web site section) what the functionality is that’s so special and useful to people. The description “Airport activity, flight and airport maps” is technically accurate but meaningless to most people.

Some expansion throughout would probably be good.