Boeing launches website to track B787 progress . . .

B787 Dreamliner Flight Test Home

That’s awesome! Thanks!

Click Here Boeing site that shows color scheme for every airline that has ordered a Boeing 787.

They list Northwest as one of their customers… :astonished:

Boeing must not have gotten the memo. Someone needs to tell them…

Click on the airplane (ZA001, ZA002) and see what site you end up on. … g-787.html

Blogger Runway Girl, will be posting videos today of her tour of ZA003 which is being used for interior and passenger environment testing.

I’m glad COA is gonna use them. Maybe I will see one at IAH? :wink:


Interesting that they are keeping the flight numbers consistent with the serial numbers.

Up and flying around on this website. Using the ADS-B data from the aircraft someone is picking up… The aircraft is pretty much live on it. Shouldn’t be much of a delay on it.

Reg Code : N787BA

USA Coverage seems very limited.

Because the site needs more data feeder. To watch those ‘BLOCKED’ flights. :wink:
Plus aircraft in United States is behind adding ADS-B to there planes!
but we can save that for another topic!

I’m covering the Southern California area. See lots of those Las Vegas casino planes flying doing the morning hours. & Paul Allen planes! :slight_smile:

Those aren’t serial numbers. There are engineering numbers.

The serial numbers (more correct: construction numbers (CN)) for ZA001 and ZA002 are 40690 and 40691 respectively. These are line numbers (LN)1 and 2.

As I mentioned elsewhere, Boeing uses a CN and LN to identify aircraft in addition to other numbers such as the engineering number. The CN is a consecutive number used across all models (e.g. CN 40687 is a 777 while 34636 is a 787). The LN is a consecutive number used within a single model line. There is not always a one-to-one correspondence between the CN and LN. As an example, LN 1 mentioned above is CN 40690 while LN 7 is CN 34485.

Yeah, SN was sloppy terminology.

Thanks for the info & correction.

What would we do without WikiDavida?

And for short it’s Widi. :smiley: