Boeing 707 luggage containers

I’m looking for some help. Back in the 1970’s I worked for United Airlines loading and unloading planes at ONT. As I remember the 707 that flew in and out there had containers for luggage. Baggage, and other freight, we loaded into fiberglass containers that were hoisted up into the aircraft from an opening in the bottom of the aircraft.

I’ve tried to find any information to confirm this. The only thing I found is this image taken from a homemade film posted on YouTube.
707 luggage containers and carts United

Any help is greatly appreciated.

SO, I guess that I’m getting too old, it wasn’t a 707 but DC-8 aircraft. I found this video that brought back so many memories.


Ontario didn’t have jetways with the ground power and Air Conditioning. We had a 40’s panel van with a small jet engine for starting, a large motorized diesel generator, and a motorized Air Conditioning unit. Our paymover was different than the one in the video. I worked my butt off but boy did I every enjoy that job.

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