Blank Map Help

I’ve had an issue where the live map isn’t available to look at on my web browser. There was then an issue with the card when updating/reloading… so I’ve ended up loading the PiAware onto a new card. The blank map issue is still present.
I can SSH into the device, and the “My ADSB” page shows that it’s uploading ADSB aircraft, I just can’t access the map.

Any suggestions on what to reload/update, or how to resolve this?

Have you tried clearing your browser cache or loading the page in incognito mode?

Hi, yes I’ve tried that after posting. It’s actually a returning “can’t connect to server”. The rest must have just been cached.

Perhaps the IP of the Pi has changed.

I can SSH into the device using the IP address, but I can’t see the map page on :8080

Show the output of these commands:

sudo journalctl --no-pager -u lighttpd
ls /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled 

[quote=“wiedehopf, post:6, topic:53424”]
sudo journalctl --no-pager -u lighttpd ls /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled

Seems you installed dump1090-mutability.

This install script i made for dump1090-fa will fix the installation:
Automatic installation for dump1090 fa · wiedehopf/adsb-wiki Wiki · GitHub

sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O -"

(removes dump1090-mutability, install dump1090-fa and fixes the lighttpd configuration)

Ah, very good. Thank you for that, I can see the map page again. Thanks for your help