This is a detailed listing of how I back up my Raspberry Pi’s in case of disk failure. Hopefully it well help someone.
I use a 4 gig USB thumb drive (a 1 gig will work if you can find one) that stays plugged into the Pi all the time. Format the stick for FAT32 (works best for me). Create a directory /mnt/usb as the mount point for the USB stick. Most likely the USB stick will be assigned /dev/sda1, unless you already have another USB drive plugged into the Pi.
This script is run by root’s cron at 2:30 am locally, although you could run it any time you like and, of course, change what files and directories are best for you. Edit a file: ‘sudo nano /usr/bin/backup’. Then make it executable ‘sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/backup’. The backup script only copies important files and directories. It does not make an image of the entire Pi. See below for that.
/bin/mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
/bin/tar czf /mnt/usb/home_pi.tar.gz /home/pi/dump-tools && \
/bin/tar czf /mnt/usb/var_www_collectd.tar.gz /var/www/collectd && \
/bin/tar czf /mnt/usb/var_lib_collectd.tar.gz /var/lib/collectd && \
/bin/tar czf /mnt/usb/usr_share_dump1090-mutability_html.tar.gz /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html && \
/usr/bin/crontab -l > /mnt/usb/root.crontab && \
/bin/cp /usr/bin/backup /mnt/usb
/bin/cp /usr/bin/restore /mnt/usb
/bin/cp /etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf /mnt/usb
/bin/cp /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf /mnt/usb
/bin/cp /etc/network/interfaces /mnt/usb
/bin/cp /etc/fr24feed.ini /mnt/usb
/bin/cp /etc/pfclient-config.json /mnt/usb
/bin/cp /etc/collectd/collectd.conf /mnt/usb/
/bin/cp /etc/default/dump1090-mutability /mnt/usb
/bin/cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /mnt/usb/
/bin/cp /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf /mnt/usb/
/bin/umount /dev/sda1
I leave the USB stick unmounted except when I need to get something off of it and then I unmount it again. The script mounts and unmounts the drive.
This script is run when I need to restore the data - usually only after I install a new SD card from scratch. This will restore your data so you can maintain your system stats for graphing. It also restores selected config files. Edit a file: ‘sudo nano /usr/bin/restore’. Then make it executable ‘sudo chmod 755 /usr/bin/restore’.
/bin/mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb
/bin/tar xvzf /mnt/usb/home_pi.tar.gz -C / && \
/bin/tar xvzf /mnt/usb/var_www_collectd.tar.gz -C / && \
/bin/tar xvzf /mnt/usb/var_lib_collectd.tar.gz -C / && \
/bin/tar xvzf /mnt/usb/usr_share_dump1090-mutability_html.tar.gz -C /
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/dump1090-mutability /etc/default/dump1090-mutability
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/collectd.conf /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/lighttpd.conf /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/backup /usr/bin/backup
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/restore /usr/bin/restore
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/wpa_supplicant.conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/fr24feed.ini /etc/fr24feed.ini
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/pfclient-config.json /etc/pfclient-config.json
/bin/cp /mnt/usb/dump1090-mutability /etc/default/dump1090-mutability
/bin/umount /dev/sda1
Finally, after I have an SD card configured as I want it, I make an image of the SD card on my Windows PC using Win32DiskImager. If I need to do a quick restore, if the SD card fails, I restore this image to an SD card of the same size (I use 8 gig SD cards). Then, after I boot the Pi with this image, I run ‘/usr/bin/restore’ and refresh the data and config files on the freshly made SD card.
Reboot the Pi after running the restore script.