Can anyone help me out here?
on the live tracker i found BA3572 B747-400 flying from Hartsfield KATL -
Stansted EGSS. im just wondering if anyone else has found a different destination for that flight more like Heathrow or Gatwick as i don’t know whether its my computer or the connection playing up, as the only BA aircraft ive ever seen at Stansted is the 737 and A319’s, i know big aircraft such as 747’s and MD-11’s fly out of stansted but only for cargo airlines. also if it really is flying into stansted i would be down there straight away as im down at a friends who is only a 30min drive away and seeing a 747 coming into stansted from the public viewing spot is something only a idiot would miss.
I show B747.
BA3572 is an all-cargo flight.
A suggestion: If you know the specific flight, try checking the airline’s web page, especially if it is a scheduled airline. I found BA3572 at British Airways Cargo web site.
And it’s not BA metal either:
Results for BA3572 for the month of March 2008
27th March 2008G-GSSC logged @ 15:29 GMT **4(1418)
20th March 2008G-GSSB logged @ 18:35 GMT **4(1443)
13th March 2008G-GSSA logged @ 15:37 GMT **4(259)
G-JEDK logged @ 16:24 GMT **4(0)
6th March 2008G-GSSC logged @ 15:42 GMT **4(259)
(ignore the DHC8 in there, I guess that was typo).
i know british airways cargo is part of BA but why isnt it shown as an entirely different airline? for example ive seen Lufthansa A340’s flying from Frankfurt then Lufthansa Cargo on a different page, if you get my drift,
It may not be a subsidiary of the airline. Singapore Air Cargo, for example, is a different airline from Singapore Airlines. I’m pretty sure Lufthansa Air Cargo is a different airline (i.e. operating certificate) than Lufthansa. They are owned by the same company, though.