Auckland, New Zealand Arrivals


I think there’s something wrong with the data on flights arriving at Auckland Airport (NZAA/AKL). Eg. ANZ1 from KLAX-NZAA on 27th July is supposed to have landed at AKL at 4:29 AM (NZST) & arrived at the gate at 5:11 AM (42 minutes later). Did it really take that long to taxi at a relatively small airport at that time in the morning?
Anyway clicking on the “graph” hyperlink shows that at 4:29 AM, the aircraft was still at FL350. Crucially, this was also the time when the Reporting Facility switches from New Zealand to FlightAware. It also shows that the aircraft actually landed around 5:06 AM and arrived at the gate a couple of minutes later, which makes a bit more sense.
Overall, the flight is reported as having taken 11hrs 15 minutes, when in reality it has taken closer to 12 hours.

Apologies if I have got this wrong.
