ATC question


Can you help me out with a question?

I’ve flown the VOR/DME A overhead circle to 19 in to KTEB a bunch. As I’m sure many others here have.

Could you confirm for me if following the step downs takes you in and out of the class B during the apporach. It’s always looked to me that abeam the area around Essex Co. the base of the class B was 3000. On the approach I’m at 3000’, 2500’, or 2000’.

If this is the case, how much does that effect your work load with seperation between IFR and VFR.

What kind of flying machine a Lear?

There are rules about turbine aircraft and class B airspace.

It’s a bit past my bed time but I will check out the approach and Class B airspace boundaries in the morning and get back to you.

One thing to remember is that the big airport, EWR, is the elephant in the room and can cause some unique problems.

What’s the difference?
The only thing I can think of when flying IFR is speed limits, but NY almost always issues a speed restriction on the approach so busting 200 below the B isn’t an issue.

“cross CLIFO at 2000, enter the overhead left pattern 19 at 1500, contact the tower.”

It may not make any difference. The question was if the approach took you inand out of the Class B. **IF **it does, if I’m at 1500 could I be out of the Class B.

I thought (I may be wrong) that going in and out of the Class B wasn’t allowed in the design criteria of the approach.

Anyway, was just something that’s nagged me for a while.


Without getting into all the specifics, ATC is supposed to inform jets and large props when they leave Class B airspace and reentry if they cannot keep them inside Class B airspace while being vetored for an approach.

As far as the VOR-DME-A approach is concerned X WAYNES at 3000 decsending to X JAYMO at 2500 and CLIFO at 2000 will put you into CDW Class D airspace. The final approach course appears to be contained within the extened vertical limits of CDW Class D and into the Class B. Descent to CLIFO goes through Class D and directly into Class B.

I don’t know the local specifis but at Potomac TRACON there is a similar situation with Manassas Class D and the IAPs to the 1’s at IAD. PCT has a letter of agreement inplace with HEF that caps the HEF Class D authority at 2000 feet. If an aircraft should call to transit the CLASS D at 2500 feet the tower would direct the aircraft to call the TRACON so that radar services and traffic advisories could be provided.

The situation looks the same and I would bet that the NY TRACON cut the same deal with CDW.

When the tower is closed Class E rules would apply.

Hope this helps!