I’m stuck on deciding on which outside antenna to purchase. Are they basically all the same just with different labels on them or are some better performers than others? Do you have any specific recommendations, please? I’m based in Australia so the price automatically doubles for whatever reasons.
Depending on your skills you could create a DIY antenna.
The Jetvision antennas are always a recommendation. Showing good performance with good manufacturing quality. A little bit more expensive, but worth the money for a long term outdoor usage.
Also very popular are the antennas of Vinnant in Slovakia.
I recently bought their 7.5dBI version for outdoor usage. The manufacturing quality is not the same as the Jetvision, but only around half the price.
I replaced my Jetvision because i need that one for a different location.
Note: In some countries (e.g. Germany) Flightaware has choosen Jetvision as the vendor for their kits.
There are some others especially from the APAC market which are delivering the same results more or less.
Another one which has been discussed is one from Pimoroni shop. Below the larger one, they have a 66cm with 5.5dBi as well.
I think they all offer a pretty similar performance.
At least for me the Jetvision and the Vinnant deliver the same results. But it also depends on your station and your environment.
What other hardware are you using? a filtered LNA can also do something for you if not already in use
I can vouch for the Jetvision A3, after upgrading from the Radarbox one with the fixed cable.
Once you get to good quality with good coax cable, there’s going to be very little difference and it’s the position and height of your antenna that will influence the performance the most.
Since about 6 months I am using the Jetvision A3 as well. You could try to contact them. They made me a special offer with 10m coax and antenna
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the replies. Sorry, I asked a question and then suddenly went missing thanks to work and unexpected call-ins to work. I have heard of Vinnant and Jetvision, but have not known about Pimoroni until now, so thanks for enlightening me a bit more foxhunter.
Currently, I have nothing at all in my setup as I have applied for a receiver etc with the big three but have been knocked back due to the amount of coverage in my area already.
Despite the knockback, I’m still keen to have my own setup regardless, so I’m starting with the antenna first. And this is where my first dilemma starts as I’m a stickler for using quality equipment, but I have difficulty in separating want from actual need and what will do the job to the best of its ability without just throwing money against the wall just for the sake of it. But having said that if Jetvision is the antenna of choice amongst other users, then so be it. Shipping from Germany to Australia is pretty expensive though?
Hi John,
I checked it it is about $ 50.
But contact Jetvison, maybe they will make you an offer
Thanks Dutchyb,
I shall contact them, and I also like their double mast arm extension.
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