Another A/C is impersonating N456TS on FA

So, odd thing today… An aircraft in California got logged as mine (N456TS).
One thing I can say for sure, it wasn’t me. Mine is in North Carolina. I had drained the fuel tank an hour before and I currently have the fuel bowl on my kitchen counter. So, I don’t think it’s me.

The track of the other aircraft is:

I don’t know what to make of this. What are the possible scenarios? Is this an error with FlightAware? Some sort of slight of hand by someone trying to evade authorities?
What’s your thoughts and ideas?

Someone fumble-fingered the ID on a flight plan?

I checked Apple Valley Airport KAPV and found this entry … 5/1949ZZ//

I guess so. Nice detective work! Any idea why the aircraft is listed as unknown when a flight plan was filed?

I noticed the orig/dest are listed as lat/lon rather than airport designation. Would that be normal in a flight plan?

No, I don’t believe so. An example of a filed flight plan is:
The aircraft type should be listed. In this case, ALGR.
The originating and destination airports should also be listed.

In the case of this incorrect flight, nothing indicates a flight plan was made.

It’s a position-only flight, we didn’t get a flightplan for it. Looks like somebody crossing socal center VFR at 9500 ft, controller just got the tail wrong. Happens all the time, moreso to people with short tails (N123 or N1AB).

Thanks for the info. It’s always interesting what you find when you turn over a rock. This one just intersected with the OP’s tail #. G’day

. . can u get the icao code? this is a unique code for each and every transponder. if its not ur code, its probably not u!

. . kinda makes u wonder what kinda bs they were pumping about not being able to i.d. jfk jr’s aircraft.


The source in this case (FAA Radar) doesn’t provide us with the 24-bit Mode S codes from the transponder.

But there’s plenty of those misprogrammed too, as we’ve learned from our experience with ADS-B.

They did it again… Apparently filed a flight plan under the wrong n number. Ugh.

Guess the numbers are to close on the keyboard. Most likely it should have been N457TS.