Alerts are suddenly not working anymore

Hello everyone!

For many years now i’ve been using Flightaware because of it’s Alerts whenever an aircraft takes off or lands.

But since yesterday it suddenly stopped working. The app itself is totally fine, but the alerts are not working anymore. I didn’t change anything about the app or make adjustments to the aircrafts i want to get alerts for.

I am using a Samsung galaxy S10 and i have tried everything. I loged in and out of my account, i reinstalled the app itself, checked the notification settings in my phone but nothing works.

Maybe one of you has (had) the same problem and knows what to do.

Thanks in advance.

I see that we are sending alerts per your account. I see 2 alerts set up; is this correct?

You can check here to see that it appears they should be delivered successfully Flight Alerts - FlightAware

I currently have 2 alerts set for 2 different rescue helicopters, that’s right.

I tried adding different aircraft registrations from different companys, yet there are still no alert’s coming through.

Alert’s via Mail are functioning just fine. But i prefer to be notified directly by my phone.

As i mentioned before, on the 24th all alert’s came through without any problem. But on the 25th (yesterday) it suddenly stopped working without me doing any changes whatsoever.

Thank you for your fast reply by the way :slight_smile:

Update: I just checked if flightaware still sends me alerts on my tablet. I also received no alerts on my tablet, so i’m beginning to wonder if there is a bug of some sort.

Yes me too, my alerts on my samsung android devices stopped working. I have noticed this in the last 48 hours or so. I still get the emails, but no notification on my devices.

Thats the exact same issue i have. So that makes two of us. I wonder if there are more people out there having the same problem.

And like i stated earlier, these problems came literally out of nowhere.

Alerts work again. Noticed this morning.

I justed wanted to give an update too.

A few hours ago it started working again.

I am having the same issue. Since last week, the alerts stopped working. I changed nothing. Any idea how they started working again for the other people?

Hi there,
Any idea how they started working again? Having same issue.

I’m sorry, but i have no idea how the problem was fixed. Like i said, the problem came out of nowhere and solved itself without my involvement.