I’m sorry if this has been posted previously, but I have noticed that the majority of Alaska airports do not show up properly in the history of the flights, since most are listed with a "K’ designator, instead of a “P”. I have taken a few moments to list several airports that I have located in the FlightAware history that do not show up properly. I hope this is useful for a future update by FlightAware to this great product
Flight Aware Correct ICAO Airport Link
KDLG PADL Dillingham Airport airnav.com/airport/PADL
KANI PANI Aniak Airport airnav.com/airport/PANI
KSNP PASN St. Paul Island Airport airnav.com/airport/PASN
KDUT PADU Unalaska Airport airnav.com/airport/PADU
KCDB PACD Cold Bay Airport airnav.com/airport/PACD
KSDP PASD Sand Point Airport airnav.com/airport/PASD
KAKN PAKN King Salmon Airport airnav.com/airport/PAKN
KHPB PAHP Hooper Bay Airport airnav.com/airport/PAHP
KJNU PAJN Juneau International Airport airnav.com/airport/PAJN
KSIT PASI Sitka Rocky Gutierrez Airport airnav.com/airport/PASI
KKTN PAKT Ketchikan International Airport airnav.com/airport/PAKT
KMCG PAMC McGrath Airport airnav.com/airport/PAMC
KPSG PAPG Petersburg James Johnson airnav.com/airport/PAPG
KWRG PAWG Wrangell Airport airnav.com/airport/PAWG
KADQ PADQ Kodiak Airport airnav.com/airport/PADQ
KPTH PAPH Port Heiden Airport airnav.com/airport/PAPH
KPBV PAPB St. George Airport airnav.com/airport/PAPB
KSLQ PASL Sleetmute Airport airnav.com/airport/PASL
Others that need an update include
PABE PABE Bethel Airport Alaska (not PA) airnav.com/airport/PABE
since it is linked to the Pennsylvania airport, not the one in Bethel Alaska
KMDM MDM Marshall Don Hunter Airport airnav.com/airport/MDM
KFSP FSP Nikolai Airport airnav.com/airport/FSP
I’m sure there are more.
Hope this helps
Brian S.