How many 737’s with lei’s around the Eskimo does Alaska Airlines have?
Why not check out there website. Best to get the info from the source!
Just finished reading that book. I’m on the 4th one now. Good “trilogy.”
According to a previous FA topic they are only the B738s, their website says they have 60 of the -800 version, but it doesn’t say how many have the lei… … 7-800.aspx
At least he correctly IDed the logo as an eskimo verses the cowardly lion
I believe the leis are on the ETOPS* equipped -800’s. Alaska has 28 of these.
*Take your pick:
Engines turning or passengers swimming
Extended Twin Operations
Extra twin on passengers’ seatbelts
Haha thanks for the answers finally, I always used to think the Eskimo was a lion…