Aircraft type in alert

Hello everyone…

Can someone tell me how to set up an alert that is not specific to a sub-type of an aircraft, but the general all-encompassing aircraft?

Meaning, i don’t want to have to set up an alert when a 787-8 (B788) departs KLAX, AND have to use another alert for when a 787-9 (B789) departs KLAX, (when i Put B787, it changes it to B788, and wildcards show as invalid) the system actually accepts B78, and B78x (it changes it to B78X) but these might be system errors (or B78X is the 787-10 code, i dont know)
(i don’t want this alert created for me, this is just an example)

Is my request possible? Thanks in advance.

(i spent half an hour searching the FAQ’s and the forums for the answer, i apologize if its been discussed, but i could not find anything)

It’s been a month, i guess my request is not feasible.

As Jeff Bingham on Rules of Engagement would say: That’s how they get ya!