ADSB Feeder Skyview , Radio , MLAT , GPS Issue

My antenna can see in only one direction


There are really not too many flights in the other direction.

I will try that, feels so lonely here :frowning:

There should be, especially in Mwanza or Tabora, my other nearest airports

I don’t know how expensive (or available) is to get that Internet connection there.
Plus it’s also a cultural thing, people might not be interested in technology as much?

So i’m not sure why your antenna can’t see in that direction is it because no planes are there or because something is blocking it’s view?
If there is something blocking the view only then does a longer cable make sense.

True, they are not interested in aviation as well, Internet is not that expensive here at all, they always wonders why do i get myself involved in Aviation stuffs at all :smiley:

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I will have to do a further investigation for sure, I think may be i will find a way to fix that

Don’t worry, it happens in other places too :slight_smile:

BTW, to SE of you there are two big natural Game Reserve areas. So not too many flights go there, and even if they fly there, they fly low, so they won’t be “visible” from your radar station.
Same with other airports - planes that land there are flying too low for you to pick up. You can “see” mostly international flights that fly at 30000 feet or higher.

Anyway, congrats for being interested in this!

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I think so, they might be flying low. Thank you for taking your time answering me. Thank you so much :slight_smile:

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Take a picture of where your antenna is placed :slight_smile:

I am on my way to someplace but once i get back home, I will surely do that :slight_smile:

And how do I fix a GPS status: “receiver more than 45ns from GPS time”?

Give it a day and if the error continues write

Not sure what the problem could be.

Theoretically your antenna should see in ALL directions, unless obstructed by a tall building or tree etc.

What is the Maximum Range I can Get?



Now I know where the problem might be, it is due to the hill at East, SE and NE

Comparing with the other receivers near you your availability until now has been excellent.
That’s what FA is looking for :wink:

I get the impression some feeders either switch theirs off or the internet just has connectivity every other day.

With that hill it’s unlikely the antenna position is to blame.
I’ll still have a look at a photo if you want but i’ll probably just say that it’s mounted fine :wink:

I noticed that, I think there is nothing i can do about it, will feed as long as i can and I will feed what is available, I am pretty satisfied now. Thank you for taking your time answering my query though I interfered and mentioned it on someone else’s post :wink: I am sorry Mr. @captianabhi :slight_smile:

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