Add tail number to alert e-mails

Hi all! I am wondering if it would be possible to make an enhancement to the alert e-mails that get sent out when a flight plan is filed. Currently the e-mails list the type of the aircraft that the flight plan was filed for. Would it be possible to also include the registration / tail number of the aircraft into this e-mail as well?

Tail numbers are included in alerts if you are a subscriber at the Enterprise account level.

Hi Eric, thanks so much for the reply! I have an enterprise account but don’t get the tail number in the alerts, even though I can see them on the website:

For example, here’s one I just got (includes type but not the tail number):

Subject: QLK1408 has departed YBDG / BXG for YSSY / SYD

Qantas / QantasLink #1408 (DH8C) departed Bendigo (YBDG / BXG) at 06:52AM AEDT enroute to Sydney (YSSY / SYD) for an estimated arrival at 08:05AM AEDT

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FlightAware - Eleven Greenway Plaza - Suite 2900 - Houston Texas - 77046 - USA - +1-713-877-9010

There appears to be an issue with this feature because you are an ADS-B feeder receiving a free account vs. a paid account. I’ve asked the team that handles alerts to look into this.

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