8.8 Quake in Chile

Flyboy, warm up the Lear…

Eary details here

USGS info here

Scary stuff. I’m praying that the death toll remains low.

Luckily, Chile has an excellent geological survey, and the main research campus of Universidad de Chile is located in Santiago. There is a lot of modern construction in Chile, much of it designed to resist large earthquakes.

More info on the kind of earthquake they had this evening here:
Megathrust Earthquake

Crisis Commons (project and volunteer coordination) site here: Chile Earthquake

8.8 quake, approx. 800 times more powerful than Haiti quake, Hawaii shores being evacuated - tsunami warning, Hilo once hit by 30 foot quake in 1960 due to a 9.5 quake in Chile.

Arturo Merino Benitez International Airport - Santiago Chile (google maps) reported as closed for 24 hours, runway reported undamaged, but lots of building damage.

I used to live close to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center in Ewa Beach, HI.

Here is the website:


Looks like they are predicting the arrival of any tsunami in HI this morning at 11:19 AM (Hawaii time)…

The Honolulu paper has good coverage…



Live streaming video from Chile

If anyone has a G-II they’ll dry lease for $3000 an hour I can put it to work. but that’s a little far for our little lear.

How about a couple of tech stops, Costa Rica, Belize. All with the required “Crew Rest” of course :slight_smile: