4.7 Quake near LAX....

According to the preliminary report, a 4.7 quake was centered about 2 miles east of LAX about 10 minutes ago…

It rattled the daylights out of me in Long Beach, so I’m sure it gave the controllers at LA tower quite a ride.


They’re saying 5.0 now. Looks like a brief delay at LAX around that time. Appears it was right there!

Exact Location of earthquake:
33.940N 118.337W
Location of LAX:
33.9425222N 118.4071611W
Yea, I guess you could say it was right there.

It was revised to a 5.0 earthquake. A 3.1 aftershock occurred at 6 minutes later at 20:45.

Talked to my mom in the LA area a few minutes after the initial quake. Sounds like the local media was disappointed because there weren’t any reports of damage, although they were glad they had more phone calls coming in.

My niece, who lives with my mom, was excited because it was her first earthquake. :smiley:

Now the Geological Survey has downgraded the earthquake back to 4.7.

For those not in earthquake country, that may not seem like a lot but the Richter Scale is logarithmic so a difference of 1 full point (for example 4 to 5) is a 10 fold increase in intensity.

Glad to hear there wasn’t any major damage. I just hope they get them all out of their system before I go out there the second week of June. I’m not sure I’d want to be out there when one hit.

Anything under about 4.0 ain’t no big ting. A little rattling of the windows, maybe a knickknack moves an inch or so.

Do you have a lot of ‘knickknacks’?

I have a ton of knicknacks…well, some knicknacks…and they are all clamped down with a gummy substance called Quake Hold. A few things that were not “clamped” down, some light stuff, jumped right off the shelf or moved around. I have lots of books, and some of the books fell off, and one book moved enough to knock a fairly heavy book holder off a high shelf. Every picture on my walls had to be adjusted today…all of them were knocked off kilter.

The only big thing in my house that isn’t tied down ( and will be tomorrow) is my 50 inch Sony LCD…during the quake I got up and just kind of held on to it…it wasn’t going anywhere, at least not this time…but it gave me something to do instead of peeing my pants.

Glad that it wasn’t any worse for you than it was pthomas745. :wink:

Well, I know that the bigger quakes in California over the years were so much more terrifying and dangerous than this one. As Dami pointed out, earthquake intensities are logarithmic. This “little” quake lasted 15 seconds. The Loma Prieta quake in 1989 in the San Francisco area was about a 7.0, and it lasted 15 seconds. But, it was a hundred times more powerful. The Northridge quake was about the same. And the damage and destruction and loss of life was devastating.

So, its nice to tell stories about your knicknacks, but I just cannot imagine something 100 times more powerful…

I have a couple of hundred 1/400 diecast aircraft models. My girlfriend has hundreds of Charming Tails and other knickknacks.

:smiley: You wouldn’t find me standing under a doorway! I’d be hugging my plasma for dear life!

The only real quake I experienced was in St Maarten, not sure the magnitude but the furniture hopped around the room with me on it!!! Pretty scary stuff when you’ve never experienced it before. There was a 3.0 quake when I was living in MA that just sounded like a dump truck driving by. The next day it was revealed that the 911 lines were overloaded when it happened. :unamused:

The only real quake I experienced was in St Maarten, not sure the magnitude but the furniture hopped around the room with me on it!!! Pretty scary stuff when you’ve never experienced it before. There was a 3.0 quake when I was living in MA that just sounded like a dump truck driving by. The next day it was revealed that the 911 lines were overloaded when it happened. :unamused:

Are you certain the quake in St. Maarten wasn’t just the rum??? :smiley:

Yes… I’m sure, and after running out into the resort parking lot in my Skivies I remember hearing the locals asking about Tsunami Warnings. ??? What the F is a tsunami???

I ended up going back in and having a Rum & Coke to settle my nerves.

I was bored so I did some research:


7.4!!! Guess I should have been freaked-out! :smiley: