1090 and 978 ads-b

Do I need 2 pi’s to receive both signals or can it be done with 1 pi?
If I can use 1 how do I configure it? Right now I’m only getting 978 with both dongles.

What OS image have you written to your microSD card:

piaware SD Card image





Raspberry Pi OS image


Procedure below applies only to Piaware SD Card image image

(It wont work on package install on Raspberry Pi OS).

1 - Serialize both dongles if using both ES1090 and UAT 978: (CLICK HERE)

If you want to recieve both ES1090 and UAT978, then two dongles are required, one for 1090 and other for 978. In this case you will have to serialize dongles so that correct dongle+antenna sets are used by dump1090-fa and dump978-fa.

For 1090 Mhz dongle: use serial # 00001090 (8-digits)
For 978 Mhz dongle : use serial # 00000978 (8-digits)

Note: You can use any other serial numbers if you want, but do not use single digit serial numbers (0 to 9) or (01 to 09), as these may conflict with device numbers. Use at least two digit numbers like 21 or 93 etc)

2 - Add Dongle Serials to Respective config files of ES-1090 & UAT-978

sudo piaware-config rtlsdr-device-index 00001090    

sudo piaware-config uat-sdr-device driver=rtlsdr,serial=00000978   

3 - Configure ES-1090 & UAT-978

sudo piaware-config receiver-type rtlsdr   

sudo piaware-config uat-receiver-type sdr

4- Reboot Pi to implement configuration settings

sudo reboot

5 - Check Status

sudo systemctl status piaware  
sudo systemctl status dump1090-fa  
sudo systemctl status dump978-fa  

6 - View Maps

6.1 - dump1090-fa map

6.2 - dump978 map


ALTERNATIVE to Steps 2 & 3:

You can open file piaware-config.txt

sudo nano /boot/piaware-config.txt  

Scroll down to its bottom and add following lines
NOTE: Replce xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx by your actual feeder-id/Unique Identifier
(see screenshot below)

# Additional settings can be added below
feeder-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
receiver-type rtlsdr
rtlsdr-device-index 00001090
uat-receiver-type sdr
uat-sdr-device driver=rtlsdr,serial=00000978

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